

Designing Dynamic Stepfamilies Series includes either the Christian or the Secular PDF Study Guide and is available DVD format.

"Introduction & Goals"
Carri & Gordon briefly introduce themselves, others in the Series & tell the goal of the project.

"Lenses of Communication"
The #1 skill in all relationships is communication - this is particularly true in the intense, committed relationship we call marriage. Carri developed "The Lenses" to show you the filters and layers that can cause communication collisions. You will hear the communication accidents & repairs from other couples as well as how to "cross the street" into another person's world.

"Apples & Oranges"
First marriages are apples - subsequent marriages are oranges. In this presentation basic fundamental differences between the two will be explored that many people don't think about. The stepfamily forms backwards from the biological family. Without recognizing & preparing for these differences, the stepfamily - and those working with them - can get set up for major problems.

"The Bio-Force Meets the Weakest Link"
The most unpredictable element in stepfamily formation is relationship development. This presentation explores & literally draws out, how individuals bond & relationships develop in the stepfamily. This is also contrasted with the biological family.

The parenting problems presented here are universal to stepfamilies where one or both bring children. Learning the important principles of stepparenting & discipline will enhance the chance for remarriage success & couple satisfaction. Other couples share their failures & successes in handling discipline.

"Money & Stuff
Every marriage has to handle money & stuff. With a remarriage this is amplified because we've accumulated assets, debts & stuff. Different models of financial management - along with the struggles & victories of other couples - are presented.

"What About Us?"
In Apples & Oranges the differences between first families and subsequent families and how stepfamilies form backwards were presented. Because the couple relationship also forms backwards, the issues facing the developing remarried couple relationship can be confusing & emotionally charged. Among the concepts presented are "reclaiming the territory" & the "tasks of remarriage."

"Stages of Stepfamily War Pt. 1"
Many remarried couples are surprised to find the stepfamily jungle a confusing & sometimes dangerous place to hang out. How to survive (by identifying the emotional landmines) & win (by dealing with them productively) is presented. This is filled with the life experiences of stepcouples & stepkids as they relate their travels through "World Peace," "Diplomatic Breakdown," and "Battle Engagement" of the development cycle.

"Stages of Stepfamily War Pt. 2"
The drama continues as the principles are outlined and illustrated by stepcouples & stepkids sharing their continuing journey through "Infrastructure Rebuilding" and land in the "Post War Era." "Stages..." is a must-see.

Children Of Divorce Companion DVD

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More offerings from Carri & Gordon Taylor

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Designing Dynamic Stepfamilies - The Series - Order Information - The Taylors

Copyright 2015 Designing Dynamic Stepfamilies.